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My awesome family members!!! Muackks!

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

My journey with Endometriosis (Pre and Post Laparoscopy)

Hello everyone! Hope you all been well, to all women out there please stop and read my post.

I am 24 years old considerably young and healthy. I watch my diet, I rarely consume alcohol and I dont smoke nor take drugs. However unfortunately recently been diagnosed of having Endometriosis and having cyst in my womb, which literally rock my life upside down :(

Endometriosis is still a fairly "unknown" illness, despite the fact that it is one of the most common gynaecological problems.

So what is Endometriosis ?
Endometriosis is an often painful disorder in which tissue that normally lines the inside of your uterus, grows outside your uterus. The caused is sadly unknown yet.

Important note that I want to stress out even further is Endometriosis is hard to diagnose and because of general lack of knowledge, there is often a long delay between a woman going to a doctor about her symptoms. An average it could take eight and half years to be diagnosed. 

Based on my experience, general doctor usually prescribed pain killers to overcome period pain. Beside that period pain is usually been ignored as one of the symptoms of Endometriosis. In short, your doctor might overlooked it. 

What are the Symptoms of Endometriosis to look for?

1. Abdominal cramps or backache during period
2. Painful bowel movement 
3. Heavy of abnormal menstruation bleeding
4. Difficulties of getting pregnant 

How to diagnose endometriosis? 

One of them is through laparoscopy. It requires 3 small incisions where the surgeon then introduces a camera and some instruments into the belly to look over the female pelvic organs. Through laparoscopy, the surgeon is also able to remove affected tissues.

Here is my journey on pre and post Laparoscopy: 

Day 1- Admission to the hospital 
Before 12 midnight , no water and food intake.
IV drips will be replacing your water intake to keep you hydrated.

Day 2-  Surgery Day
My whole surgery process takes around 2 hours.
My Gynaecologist removed my cyst and my affected tissues. She diagnosed me of having stage two endometriosis. *Report from lab found out there is no cancerous cells spotted* Thank God!

I was feeling drowsy the whole day, some may experienced vomiting due to the allergic reaction of anaesthetics. I barely could walk due to nausea and drowsy feeling. *needed nurse to lift me up*
Still on IV drips and I hate IV drips the feeling of water gushing into my vein is making me uncomfortable.

Day 3- Post Surgery Day
More energetic, able to walk and do simple things.
Sill feeling drowsy especially after medication.
Today will be my last day of IV drips *Horray*

Day 4- 2nd Day Post Surgery
Due to my continue internal bleeding, I have to get a few more injection to stop it thus I have to stay one more night in the hospital.

Day 5- Check out Day
Was able to go home but still continue experiencing internal bleeding. Emotionally wise became better as I am very happy to be home. Able to walk slowly, belly button incision start to ache a little.

Day 6- Emotionally stable
To be able to wake up on your on bed is already a blessing. Dutifully eating all the prescribed medicine. There is a total of 3 types of medicines and 1 pain killer.
Tips: I recommend to download Medisafe apps, it act as an medicine record and reminder for you on when to take medicine.

Day 6-20-Experiencing internal bleeding and emotional unstable
Due to my cervix was badly infected, I still experience internal bleeding longer than usual. I have to constantly be aware of my panty liners to avoid any unnecessary spillage. My emotional swings quite badly, having nightmare constantly throughout a few nights, hardly I could sleep well.

Day 20- 26- Experience itchiness and pain on the scar, emotional stable
My mum told me is a sign of healing and I hope so too. My emotional turn back to normal, thanks to the support of my friends and my parents.

Overall, I am blessed that I have finally found out the caused of my excruciating period pain as I have been struggling it for a prolonged period. Bed ridden, tossing on the bed, screaming in pain is not what a women should endure. 

Lastly, I would like to stress out that all women should go for a check up with a gynaecologist at least once a year especially if you are experiencing those symptoms that I have just mentioned above.  

Here is a short video to send a message out to all women out there:

Disclaimer: All these mentioned above is based on what I have experienced and information gathered from my gynecologist and through the internet. I am not a qualified medical practitioner. Please consult your doctor, or other qualified health care professional.